The sound let this down.
You used so many tracks in this piece, it let it down. In flash, sound is important. Sometimes, some Flash work is excellent without any sound at all, because it fits the mood. But if you ARE going to use sound and music, it HAS to convey a message. It has to have a specific purpose.
Evanescence? Come on - this didn't have much baring on the first scene. I love the movie - it's an example of deep thought, hard work, and good graphics - the animation is a little too throw-together to compliment that much, but even that wasn't that bad. The thorn in your movie's side was the music. If you used specific pieces of music for certain parts, and backed it up with creative uses of sound effects, it would have been a lot better. The movie had potential to feel EPIC, but it didn't to me.
I liked your "storyline" too, for want of a better word. It's a nice, and semi-realistic idea. I don't want to get into the politics of this one, as a review isn't the best place to do so. But either way, I liked it. Good job, next time just work on the music.